My Yoga Story

My Yoga Story

My yoga story began in 2014 when I was 35 years old.  Although before then, I had participated in yoga classes but I never considered them to be adequate ‘exercise’ so I would never prioritize yoga as a regular form of movement.  

I grew up thinking that my body was ‘bigger’ and I was in a constant search to find ways to make myself ‘smaller’.  In my teen years, exercise was necessary to counteract a cookie or an extra helping of dinner.   My mind told me I needed to burn off any calories I consumed the previous day….so I became a gym rat, and for endless hours I would exercise.

Fast forward to my 30s, with little kids at home, a job and all the responsibilities that brings.  I was crushing my cross-fit workouts, running with the double stroller, racing from one activity to the next, priding myself on how high functioning I was, how productive and totally, unequivocally…ignoring my stress and anxiety.  

And as always, the body knows what’s best for it…after sign after sign to pay attention, my body gave me the biggest red flag it could.  My psoriasis spread all over my body.  I was covered from head to toe in itchy, aggravated sores and scabs.    My naturopath explained that the my stress levels were out of control, and my workouts were only making them worse. I needed to find stress management techniques.   

That was when my husband introduced me to yoga.  He suggested that for date night we check out a new local yoga studio….  And that one practice was transformational.  It was challenging, but accepting.  It was uncomfortable, but soothing.  The instructor kept saying things like “you are enough, right in this moment”.  And you guys….I had NEVER heard those words spoken to me….from others or from myself!    Yoga made me feel powerful and calm. It was the first time that I actually let my body guide me. And at the ripe old age of 35, I finally realized what it is like to feel in tune with my own self!    I felt FREE.  

I had so many limiting beliefs about myself and the idea of yoga - that I don't have a 'yoga' body, that I'm not flexible, that I'm not spiritual. Or that I'm too old… I could go on.   .... Through my practice, I discovered how I wanted to be.  What it would feel like to drop some of that baggage.  I forgave myself and started to embrace the greatest challenge of slowing down and listening. 

And through my years of teaching, I've developed a style of teaching that is mindful, powerful and physical. Do I have a perfect yoga practice? God no! Can I do half of the poses? Not at all! What I love is that when I am practicing, I can be challenged physically, but my mind is clear, focussed and present. And I want to share that.

Yoga has truly transformed my life. It is my passion and I love sharing that with you all. I want everyone to be reminded of their own inner light, their inner strength, their power and purpose. I want us all to shine brighter, together.  

So whether you are here for the easy weeknight meals, or for the yoga, I am thrilled to have you here. Thank you for listening all the way to the end of my ramble! You make my life brighter. You are more powerful than you know. May you be happy, May you be healthy, May you be reminded of your beauty and your worth.  



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