LIFESTYLE Christie Chapman LIFESTYLE Christie Chapman

My Gentle January

This is my first Gentle January, and if this is yours too, I’m so glad you’re here! The trick is, it’s unique to everyone. Create a space, a routine, and choices that will only benefit your mental health and set you on the road for a successful winter. This looks different for everyone.

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YOGA Christie Chapman YOGA Christie Chapman

Give it 10…

A 30 minute yoga flow for when you are experiencing resistance, doubt or procrastination.

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YOGA Christie Chapman YOGA Christie Chapman

My Yoga Story

Did I find yoga, or did yoga just finally find me? After years of punishing my body and pushing myself, my body finally shut down and I was force to slow down. It was the best thing that ever could have happened. I discovered what true well-being feels like. And now I bring yoga into every part of my life.

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