Give it 10…

The first 10 minutes of many things are filled with Resistance.

Let’s face it: a workout, journaling, meditation, homework, work project/presentation, expenses, therapy, follow-up, you name it!

I am a huge fan of the Huberman Lab podcast @hubermanlab and in a recent podcast he talked about the science behind why it takes the brain time to adjust to new tasks….and in this fast-paced, modern world we live in, there is science-backed research that explains why we struggle when we ask our mind to turn on different circuits and switch tasks. It’s worth a listen!

Give it 10 minutes and roll with the resistance.
Our systems can take up to 10 minutes to feel into a new task/experience.

I say “give it 10” to myself daily.

10 minutes turns into creating for 30 minutes.
10 minutes turns into a 45-minute yoga flow
10 minutes turns into completing ( and maybe enjoying ?!) what we intended.. and that feeling of satisfaction and pride when we accomplish what we set out to do.

For this practice, I say “give it 10” with the expectation that you’ll feel 10% better. I know that doesn't seem like a lot, but if you approach this practice, this moment, this task, this day with the intention of feeling 10% better, all those things will accumulate into feeling 100% more nourished and fulfilled!

Yoga for resistance. Just allow yourself to roll with it for 10 minutes to see what comes up.


Mushroom and Herb Bread Stuffing


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