My Gentle January
I’m putting more ‘gentle’ in my January this year.
The concept of Gentle January was started about 10 years ago by @karleesislerflores with the simple goal of being gentle on yourself in January. I think we can all agree that coming off the holiday joy, with all the social, the food and drink and then into the New Year with resolutions, goal setting and promises made often leads to guilt and exhaustion.
Instead, wouldn’t it be nice to ease back in? This is my first Gentle January, and if this is yours too, I’m so glad you’re here! The trick is, it’s unique to everyone. Create a space, a routine, and choices that will only benefit your mental health and set you on the road for a successful winter. This looks different for everyone. What is best for my January, won’t be best for you. Make your goals something little, something acheivable. You’re on your way.
As someone who suffers from seasonal affective disorder, I am learning to navigate the cold, dark days of January. My goal is simple: be gentle on myself. Take my vitamin D. Get outside in the morning to walk. Connect with people who bring me up.
The only rule is to be gentle on yourself. Let yourself go to bed early if that’s what you need. Sometimes, what you need most before you start your intentions and year isn’t to push through, it’s to reflect. I spoke about the ‘game’ our family played on New Year’s Eve that contributed to my lessons for this year. These questions helped remind us where we’ve been and guide us towards what we want as we continue to evolve and ease into the mid part of January.
It’s counterintuitive to give you a list of hard and fast rules to gentle January. Because it’s uniquely you. But, if you need inspiration, here’s how I’m putting more gentle into my January this year.
Taking vitamins, teaching myself the art of sourdough, reading books, carving out time for skin care, gratitude and journaling.
I’m giving myself until the end of the month to put away the Christmas decorations. I’m doing some cleaning that let’s me feel like I’m creating space the think more clearly.
I’m hydrating. My workouts are shorter. Sometimes just a walk.
It’s ok to take it easy.
Drop me a comment to let me know what would make the list for your Gentle January this year.