I acknowledge you for showing up. You are demonstrating what true discipline and consistency looks like. This core flow is not easy, yet you are capable of moving through each movement in a way that is right for you, to come back again and again, and learn to rest and not quit. in this process, you are creating transformation.
Let’s continue to stoke that fire and get centered through this 30 minute yoga practice that will have you feeling both strong and open. Breathe deeply as we work to tone, strengthen and engage the core.
A block is a great prop for today’s practice, if you have one.
Day 2 of the Yoga for Core Challenge! I hope you are feeling those deep abdominals waking up, and with them, your resolve to commit to your greatest ambitions and to keep going deeper. This is a fun and powerful practice that will take you through reclined, seated and standing poses to work your core in unique ways.
Welcome to the first day of our Yoga for Core Challenge! I’m thrilled you are here. For the next 7 days, these 30-minute practices will move you into a level of strength so much deeper than just physical. I am so glad you are here. Grab your mat. Rest when you need to. Show up and do the work You won’t regret it.
Begin your day with this 8 minute yoga practice that will leave you feeling limber, lengthened and energized. These gentle and accessible poses will mobilize and strength the spine, torso, hips and shoulders. Leaving you feeling balanced and aligned.
This beautiful 10 minute practice is perfect for first thing in the morning if you wake with a little soreness or tightness in your back. You can do this practice in your PJs to start your day with intention and balance.
Yoga can be powerful, efficient and challenging. It is also thoughtful, intentional and mindful. Let me guide you through this 30 minute practice to show you how you can have both.
You don't need any props for this class but if you would like to have a block or a water bottle to bring the floor a little closer to you, you certainly can use it.
Listen to your body. Don't force or push anything. Take rest when you need, then rejoin the flow.
I'm so glad you are here.
In this 30-minute Yoga practice, we use bodyweight and functional movement to create greater strength and more flexibility.
I teach in a way that is both strong and soft, because that’s what my body needs and loves the most.
Get ready to move, feel, be challenged and inspired.
In this 30 minute vinyasa practice, we’ll be working through sun salutations, twists, and backbends. This class is designed to help get you out of your head and into your body, leaving your feeling a little lighter, a little more aligned.
Enjoy and let me know if you have any questions!
In this twisty practice we create length and strength through the spine, and all of the postural muscles in the torso. As always, you will be challenged and encouraged. Remember to have fun, and find joy and play in the movement!
Acknowledge yourself for showing up today for your yoga practice. You won’t regret it! This practice is strong, sweaty and full of core activation. I’ve introduced an amazing playlist for us to flow to. Shake off stress, move with ease and commit to showing up for yourself.
Let this 30 minute yoga practice help you feel grounded and strong. This is a 360 degree style class - we move all around the mat - it is fast paced, athletic and set to great music. You will feel it and I hope you love it!
This full body, 30-ish minute flow will hit all the right places! We do a lot of core work, without a crunch in sight! Twisting to activate the deep abdominals, standing strength and balance, as well as some soothing and invigorating back bends. I know you will feel amazing after this class!