Things you should know about me if we’re going to be BFFs.

I think it’s high time I let you guys in on a little bit of the behind the scenes….

I sometimes dance in the kitchen and sometimes I rip my jeans.

I don’t like to pee in front of my husband, but sometimes I do. He has no problem peeing in front of me.

I have no trouble peeing in front of my sisters.

I have psoriasis

I hate shopping, but like to look nice and this creates more stress in my life than I care to admit to.

I was named after my aunt Christie. My dad grabbed the phone at the hospital and announced to her that they had named me Christie…after her. This was not, in fact, discussed, with my mom.

But also, my best friend, and cousin, Lindsay, was named after my mom. And her older sister Katie was too - My mom’s name is Katie Lindsay. My middle name is Anne - another aunt on my mom’s side.

I am in menopause and have been for 8 years.

I can fold a fitted sheet. If I entered a talent show, I might use this as my talent.

I am an introvert and it leads to social anxiety.

I have ADHD. I found out when I was 43.

I sometimes open food while I’m grocery shopping and eat it while a shop.

I have a daughter with a peanut allergy but I eat it in front of her and then sometimes kiss her.

I never broke a bone until my husband (then boyfriend) and I broke my femur skiing in the middle of the night on New Year’s Eve when I was 21. I haven’t broken a bone since.

I have 3 teen kids and dog named Lady and the very best husband, Fraser.

I’m terribly self-conscious of my grey hair

I get botox

I always put lotion on my feet at bedtime

I love the Notebook and the Time Traveller’s Wife. Both the books and the movies.

I hate blow drying my hair but also can’t stand the way it looks if I don’t which means I avoid washing my hair.

I am not good at making plans


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