My Menopause Journey: Navigating the Unexpected at 39

Menopause is a significant transition that most women anticipate in their late 40s or 50s. But what happens when it arrives well before you’re ready, at the age of 39?

I thought I would share my journey. It started early and is marked by isolation, confusion, and ultimately, empowerment. My hope in sharing this is to reach out to those who may feel as lost as I once did and to offer a path toward feeling better, healthier, and more in control.

a woman in a black dress riding a bike through a park.

The Shock of Early Menopause

When I started experiencing the symptoms of menopause at 39, I was completely blindsided. Most of my friends were still having babies! It was after a particularly horrible family holiday that left me reeling in mental anguish. What is going on with me? Why do I feel this uncontrollable RAGE? The symptoms left me feeling alone and full of shame. The changes in my body were swift and unsettling: I was gaining weight around my middle, my hair began to thin, I was plagued by relentless hot flashes, and my moods were all over the place. I consider myself a relatively patient person and I was snapping at my family for the smallest things. My tolerance for anything tanked. One of the worst parts for me was the brain fog. It made it difficult to think clearly. I didn’t recognize myself, and that was terrifying.

Adding in lemon water to your morning routine can improve how you feel in the mornings.

The Struggle: Confusion and Discomfort

The early stages of menopause brought a wave of emotions that I wasn’t prepared for. I felt uncomfortable in my own skin and confused by the sudden shift in my body’s behaviour. The hair thinning, weight gain, and crepe-y skin was a blow to my self-confidence, the hot flashes were relentless and unsettling, and the brain fog made me question my capabilities. Although Fraser nothing but kind and supportive, he would often turn to me in shock and wonder what on earth was going on. Truthfully that was one of the hardest parts….seeing my ‘demise’ from his perspective. I felt like I was losing control, and the lack of understanding only amplified my feelings of isolation.

The Turning Point: Taking Control of My Health

At some point, I realized that I had to take control of my health and well-being if I was going to navigate this journey successfully. It started with a call to my GP, who listened patiently while I bawled my eyes out in her office for over an hour (bless her!). We had some bloodwork done which confirmed that I had bypassed the perimenopause phase (or at least, managed those symptoms in stride) and was well into menopause.

The road wasn’t easy, but 7 years later at 46, I’m proud to say that I’m healthier than I’ve ever been. The first step was making changes to my diet and lifestyle, which have had a profound impact on how I feel.

two hands passing between them a small black heart

Dietary Changes: Fueling My Body Right

One of the biggest adjustments I made was to my diet. I realized that hydration was key, so I started drinking more water and adding an electrolyte supplement to my daily routine. This simple change made a big difference in how I felt, especially in terms of energy levels.

I also began taking a probiotic, which helped with digestion and overall gut health. In addition, I incorporated vitamin D, biotin, and omega-3 supplements into my routine. These have done wonders for my skin, nails and bone health - all of which took a hit during the early stages of menopause.

Protein has become a cornerstone of my diet. I make sure to include it in every meal, which has helped me maintain muscle mass, manage blood sugar levels to avoid hunger dips, and keep my energy levels steady. Leafy greens are now a daily staple as well, providing essential fiber that support my overall health. And while I still enjoy a glass of wine (or two!), I’ve learned to moderate my alcohol consumption, as it’s no secret that it negatively contributes to the menopause symptoms.

gaining weight in the midsection is a typical menopause symptom.

Exercise: Finding Balance and Joy

I have always exercised. I started in my teens and it used to be something I approached with a punishing mentality. I wanted to be thin. In my 20s, I thought I had to push myself to the limit to stay fit. But as I’ve grown older, I’ve learned to embrace a more balanced and joyful approach to movement. Now, I prioritize activities that make me feel good, both physically and mentally.

Walking has become a daily ritual, providing not just exercise but also a time for reflection and relaxation. I recently added a weighted vest to my walks to get even more out of my daily walks. I’ve incorporated weight lifting to maintain my strength, and yoga for me, as it is invaluable for both strength and mental clarity. I’ve also found joy in social ways to exercise, like tennis, cycling, pickleball, and hiking. These activities not only keep me active but also allow me to connect with others, which has been crucial in overcoming the isolation I initially felt.

practicing yoga has been beneficial to my moods and my weight management.

A Message to You: You’re Not Alone

If you’re going through menopause—especially if it’s earlier than expected—know that you’re not alone. It’s easy to feel isolated and overwhelmed, but there are steps you can take to feel better. Start by listening to your body and making small, manageable changes to your diet and lifestyle. Hydrate, nourish your body with good food, and find movement that brings you joy.

My journey isn’t unique in the challenges it presented, but it’s unique in how I’ve chosen to approach it. At 46, I’m not just surviving menopause; I’m thriving. And I want to help you do the same.

Looking Ahead: Fueling Your Body for Menopause

In the future, I’ll be sharing more about how to fuel your body during menopause, including specific recipes that have helped me feel my best.

If you are curious about what to eat or how I’ve found relief in this transition, please don’t hesitate to leave me a comment and I’ll do my best to respond to you.


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Grilled Miso Maple Chicken


Browned Butter Peach Bars